
Showing posts from January, 2023
Welcome all of you to our Blog.  Joy of True Life has been proudly serving comunity in Greater Vancouver area in British Columbia, Canada since 2005. We have offered many lectures, seminars, workshops and retreats. We have also taught in many countries like Australia, US, UK, Netherlands, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria and others. We teach techniques of improving the health, reaching our inner potentials to achieve healthy, happy and prosperous life.  Please enjoy this bloog and our Website The material on this blog, our website and other social media does not constitute any form of medical advice nor any form of guidance to a practice and is intended for information purposes only.  ​The owner and creator of this blog, the website and social media are in no way liable for any misuse of the material. WE DO NOT ANSWER ANY MEDICAL QUESTIONS AND DO NOT PROVIDE ANY EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE. IN A CASE OF AN EMERGENCY SITUTATION OR IF YOU REQUIRE IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTEN